Manhattan Real Estate Transactions: Dec 16 thru 31, 2019

Manhattan Real Estate Transactions: Dec 16 thru 31, 2019

The following is a list of Manhattan real estate transactions that took place between December 16 and December 31, 2019. We’ve included the building address, unit number, price, price per foot, as well as who represented the seller, who financing the transaction, and included a link to the transaction for those who want to learn more.

225 East 46th Street, Unit 2G
Price: $555,000
Ppsf: $1,047
Agent: Daniel Blatman
Link >>

128 West 95th Street
Price: $6,500,000
Ppsf: $1,182
Agent: Hall Oster
Link >>

1864 Adam C Powell Boulevard, Unit 43
Price: $855,000
Ppsf: $637
Agent: Paul D. Zweben
Link >>

2255 Broadway, Unit 5C
Price: $4,400,000
Ppsf: $2,217
Agents: Alexa Lambert, Susan W. Wires, Timothy Mccarthy
Link >>

353 East 104th Street, Unit 3D
Price: $360,000
Ppsf: $742
Agent: Monique Cheng
Link >>

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